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Jenna Lessner, BSc, CHNC
Sep 23, 20202 min read
How to Respond to Food Shaming
It can be hard to extract yourself from unhealthy narratives about food, especially since so many people struggle with their own issues...

Jenna Lessner, BSc, CHNC
Sep 16, 20202 min read
What to do After a Binge
It's personal. Real personal. Your relationship with food may be something that you try to avoid, hide or feel deep shame around. I know...

Jenna Lessner, BSc, CHNC
Aug 26, 20202 min read
10 Journal Prompts for Emotional Eating
One of the tools that I have used extensively in my journey to food freedom is... journaling! For me (and many of my clients) it is a...

Jenna Lessner, BSc, CHNC
Aug 19, 20202 min read
9 Key Foods for Emotional Wellness
Serious question for you… have you noticed how the food you eat affects your emotional state? Did you even know that food can impact your...

Jenna Lessner, BSc, CHNC
Aug 12, 20202 min read
I once craved a banana for 6 months before I “allowed” myself to eat it.
I once craved a banana for 6 months before I “allowed” myself to eat it. At the time, it was in my "no foods" which now seems absurd to...

Jenna Lessner, BSc, CHNC
Aug 5, 20203 min read
How I healed my relationship with food (and you can too!)
Food is not the enemy. Though it used to be mine. It was also comforting when life was just too much. This back n' worth enemy to comfort...

Jenna Lessner, BSc, CHNC
Jun 16, 20204 min read
What is Intuitive Eating?
Have you ever watched a toddler eat? It can be frustrating that they didn’t finish their lunch and then asked for a snack a ½ hour later....

Jenna Lessner, BSc, CHNC
May 26, 20204 min read
End Late-night Snacking
You’ve finished dinner, cleaned up the dishes and retire to the couch to watch re-runs of Friends and that’s when you start thinking...

Jenna Lessner, BSc, CHNC
May 6, 20203 min read
Is Your Gut Health Affecting Your Emotions?
It all starts in the gut. I know as a nutrition consultant I may be a little biased but I let me back it up with some research... I'm...

Jenna Lessner, BSc, CHNC
Apr 22, 20204 min read
Are you an Emotional Eater?
First off, what exactly is emotional eating? Emotional Eating is defined as consuming large quantities of food in response to feelings...

Jenna Lessner, BSc, CHNC
Apr 7, 20202 min read
Eating out of Boredom?
I’m bored. Even typing made me – ugh – very loudly in my head. I think we’re all too familiar with that feeling lately. The discrete...

Jenna Lessner, BSc, CHNC
Dec 4, 20193 min read
What actually is Self-Care?
Are you taking care of yourself? I've been asked this question countless times in my life... and I always responded with a begrudgingly...

Jenna Lessner, BSc, CHNC
Nov 20, 20196 min read
How to Stop Sabotaging Yourself
We all have a saboteur, the invisible inhabitant of your mind which focuses on the negative and ignores the positive. The saboteur has...

Jenna Lessner, BSc, CHNC
Sep 10, 20192 min read
How to Follow Your Hunger Cues
You’ve probably heard this… (and I may even be guilty of saying it) - “listen to your body.” But what does that ACTUALLY mean? I get it,...

Jenna Lessner, BSc, CHNC
Aug 27, 20193 min read
10 Meal Prep Tips from a Seasoned Professional
Truth time: I only cook once per week… I know what you're thinking... HOW??? Meal prep has been my saviour for YEARS! And here’s why: My...

Jenna Lessner, BSc, CHNC
Aug 13, 20192 min read
5 Keys to Combating Food Cravings
It’s Wednesday night, you just finished dinner and sat down on the couch to watch the latest episode of Big Brother and you think.. “you...

Jenna Lessner, BSc, CHNC
Jul 30, 20194 min read
5 Proven Methods to End Food Guilt
Have you ever… eaten a delicious cupcake and then immediately felt guilty for eating said cupcake? Yeah? Me too. I’m pretty sure we’ve...

Jenna Lessner, BSc, CHNC
Jul 15, 20193 min read
The Truth About Why I became a Nutritionist!
Let’s get real… there is a lot of information online about diets and anti-diets and conflicting information about what people should eat...

Jenna Lessner, BSc, CHNC
Mar 24, 20194 min read
6 Tips to Cultivating Self Worth
W O R T H // the sense of one's own value. A feeling that you are a good person who deserves to be treated with respect. I feel like even...

Jenna Lessner, BSc, CHNC
Mar 10, 20193 min read
5 Ways Meditation Can Improve Emotional Eating
You may have you heard of this little thing called…. Meditation. But, have you made it a daily practice? Yogis have been meditating for...

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